...........personally i dont see how ppl think this is funny...... cause its not.......... rate this as a useless review or not... it doesnt matter..... its like............ NG is going downhill with their comedy or something... like they dont care anymore, have they just forgotten what a good sense of humor is? I mean Come ON there was a penis on th front page...wtf! Oh and just cause egoraptor added this to his favs doesnt mean anything.... hes just a person like th rest of us. Good job with th flash though u kno.... th drawing style and everything..... but........ i saw no humor in that at all..... get mad at me if u want..... its called criticism and if u wanna make it in th world youre gonna have to get used to things like this....... well... i said what i had to say, and... just another thing..... i hope make it big with ur flashes someday :) [im not a hater lol........ i just dont like when ppl lie to other ppl.... be honest and tell th truth is what i say............ later]